Friday, March 21, 2008

Reverend Wright

I think all this hullabaloo over certain comments made by Rev. Wright are quite overblown. But what is more frustrating is the continued fear on the part of white america to risk engaging in a conversation about race. The conversation ends up being about having a conversation about race, and the overwhelming motivator of the white person is to make sure they don't appear racist. Let me help you out, get over it. I think its much more frustrating for minorities when we act so jumpy and over-sensitive when the subject comes up in a serious context. Just chill, be who you are, and say what you think, and let the chips fall where they may. Maybe somebody will learn something, that's kinda the point of a conversation. But you don't learn anything by being jumpy and over-sensitive. What you do is preserve the status quo.

That reaction has been my observation from a few friends and talking heads during the latest racial "dialogue." Yes the guy said some things that are clearly out of bounds. Don't we all. And yes he is in a position of authority and should be held to a higher standard, and I'll trust his congregation to do that, and he's also being held to that now publicly. That Barack associated himself with this man and his church does not make me a bit uncomfortable, I know a little bit about black church culture and I'm confident that Jesus is actually alive and working there in that community.

I was impressed with BO's speech on tuesday in Pennsylvania around this issue, and was not impressed with the way my former hero Mr. Limbaugh analyzed that speech. You should watch it if you can, it's long but it was my first hard look at BO, and I like what I heard.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Okay, now we are talking. Hazard is in the blogosphere!!!

O'bama is going down 'cause he's dumb. That and he doesn't know himself.