Monday, August 18, 2008


Well I moved on saturday. With my brother to the extra bedroom at the Ketah's. And it sounds like David's going to move back in with our parents on wednesday. I have pretty mixed feelings on that, but it could be good. I know it'll all work out one way or another.

I start school next week, and have my orientation on wednesday, and I feel like I'm ready. New house, new school, and I'm still getting married. Time marches on.

I'm almost ready for politics to start back up again, as soon as the Olympics are over. Both frontrunners kinda make me grumpy, and it seems likely Oregon will be blue no matter what I do, but it's going to be time for saturation coverage soon and I'll be ready. I guess what frustrates me right now is it doesn't seem like anybody has an objective opinion, everybody just likes the guy you'd expect them to, or spends too much time joking about stuff, including myself. If there's no hope in anyone changing their mind, what's the point of discourse? I secretly enjoy being proved wrong and changing my mind, but then I get painted as an unreliable flip-flopper. So there is no winning, but it's a battle that must be fought anyway. Sigh.

1 comment:

Dave Ketah said...

Maybe nobody has an objective opinion just to irritate you! Or maybe nobody cares for discourse any more because it is a waste of time now that democracy is a complete sham! I have said it before, and I will say it again, the only hope I can believe in is THE HOPE. All the rest are just blowing smoke! Whoever gets elected from the RepubliCrats or the DemoCans, I will support as the POTUS.