Sunday, May 25, 2008

Calf Branding

I went out to Jake's parents place in Ione, OR this weekend and helped brand the calves again. Good times. There were only fifty this year, his dad is cutting back a bit due to high fuel prices and everything else, but we did flip every single one by hand. The middle Neiffer brother, Adam, got his face a little bloodied up by a couple of the calves, but he also powerslam tackled a few of them. I forgot my camera, so if you want to see pictures you'll just have to come out next year and help, all are invited.

And Jake outdid even himself with his crazy diets, and had about a pound of raw hamburger on his salad for dinner on saturday. I don't really have words for that, I didn't think I could be surprised by his food anymore but that did it.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

raw hamburger? really? that's just begging for food poisoning...