Monday, June 9, 2008

Get the ball

Well the generator acted up on me this evening. The pull cord broke and it kept shutting off when running. I spent waaaay too long rigging up another rope, and it took a bit to remember that it shuts off when the oil is low. Sure sounds obvious now though. But it all did get fixed before dark, and that's what's important.

I had a fun time at church last night playing wallball with the kids during Paul's CD party. I ended up not having to serve my regular week with the kids this month, so I watched some of them during the bonus event, and they kicked my butt at the ole wallball. Very liberal 'interference' rules though.

And then we played 'get the ball.' Which is my favorite game in the whole world. I like playing against people that are bigger and stronger better cuz then I can go all out, but I think I'll only be finding kids to play that with from here on out. We played in college a lot, when I lived in the house with jake carl and tim. We even knocked a butt sized hole through the wall once, it was awesome.

But nobody got hurt yesterday, and that was awesome and somewhat surprising for me. Usually something happens, although we did upset Jonah. After the kids had cleared out of the ball room during dessert time I sat in front of the door to try to ensure no more ball playing that evening. Jonah took exception to this, and he was having a good time climbing on me and begging to go into the room. Jeremy was nearby, and we kind joked for Jonah that sure we'd let him in but then not back out. I though he heard, but I guess not.

So I let him in and then sat back in front of the door so it couldn't open, and it was kinda loud and I was talking to some folks, so it was probably nearly five minutes before I let him back out. He was crying and very upset, and I felt terrible. Then his Evan comes over and he starts begging to be let in. I tell him what just happened with his brother, but he is undeterred. So I let him in, but I shouldn't have let him have the ball. Cuz he would come to the door every so often and pretend to be upset, and then go back to bouncing it. Finally I become overwhelmed by all the kids punching me to be let in and reopen the floodgates, and Evan is indeed having a good ole time.

I dunno. It's good experience for me to work with the kids, and it is fun. Although it is a bit disturbing when little Ella starts following the example and is punching me. But I know I did the same thing when I got frustrated as a kid, and I'm probably fairly frustrating to them.

So that's my tale of child 'supervision' for the evening.

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