Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's On

So the most important question for the evening is: will I be able to watch the Lakers-Celtics using only the internets? I'm betting no.

In other news, hundred year old cedar shakes sure make starting a fire easy.

I've been thinking about Hillary's imminent exit and who BO's VP should be. I heard that BO is going to likely pay off Billary's campaign debts, and offer to let her be in charge of health care reform should he be elected. That sounds like a reasonable solution, I don't trust her but in this situation I think she would do her damnedest to do the best job with that she could, which is about the most I could hope for.

Now for BO's VP, I had a fun idea. I swear it was my own. I don't know who, but he needs an older female running mate, female to pull in Hillary voters, and older to get close to McCain's prime demographic. I couldn't think of anybody really good though. Maybe Elizabeth Dole, I guess she worked in Lyndon Johnson's administration before she went Republican, it would be a good unity tool as well. The other name that came to mind was Maria Shriver. I don't know how seriously she could be taken on the campaign trail, but she is almost a Kennedy, and both those ladies would discourage any potential assassins I would hope. But a female's gotta be the way to go.


Luke of Hazard said...

Well I guess Shriver isn't that old, but being almost a Kennedy makes up for it, maybe.

Luke of Hazard said...

Ok I've got it now, Mary Landrieu.

Stephanie said...

huh. I'm not so sure about the older woman VP theory. I don't think that an older person is going to get the undecided older vote, just because they're older. And i'm not sure that another woman is going to get the hardcore feminist vote, either. I think its smarter to go with someone with a ton more experience that's fairly moderate so as to not alienate any more people.